Let’s grow big happy plants together.
Everyone can have a green thumb. Let me show you how!

Plant parenthood can be frustrating
We can all have a green thumb with the right information. It’s just plain wrong to believe you cannot be a successful plant parent!
Be the plant parent you always wanted to be.
Go from being frustrated with constantly killing your plants to confident in your ability to conquer all houseplants
Be more confident in your plant purchases
Learn to manage pests and light requirements
Watch your healthy plants grow stress-free

I too have killed many plants, so I understand your struggle!
After 6+ years and caring for over 200+ plants, I have figured out what works for plants to thrive. My advice is trusted by over 250,000 followers on social media.
Houseplant Consultation
20 or 60 minute video call from the comfort of your own home. We can discuss all your plant needs and come up with a plan for success!
Plant Design & Care
From small businesses to your own personal collection. I’ll design the perfect foliage plan to bring your office or shop to life!
How It Works
1 - Schedule a Call
Book a time that is convenient for you for a virtual plant video call
2 - Identify Plant Problems
Set your worries aside as we walk through your specific questions and issues you are facing with your plants
3 - Watch Your Plants Thrive
Put my advice to work and watch your plants grow big and happy!
I believe everyone can grow BIG & HAPPY plants.
That’s why I’m passionate about teaching and helping as many plant lovers as possible. Let’s keep growing the plant community together.
Areas of Expertise
Plant Health
Dead plant? Can’t help you with that. Let’s just save your other plants before you kill those too.
Targeting Pests
Pests? More like mini ninjas inside trying to kill your plants. I got you covered.
Plant Therapy
You’re buying too many plants, I get it. Let’s chat about how to continue this great habit.
Bonus points if you know what this means!